Why crowdfunding?

Hello all!

First off, thank you to all who have already supported this campaign. We start recording on our first single, “Hine Ma Tov (How Great it is)” on June 3rd, and I am so excited. We have raised $442 towards the first single so far. We do still have a ways to go to fund the whole project, as each song generally costs $1,000-$1,500 to produce. I am feeling inspired to come on and share a little bit about why crowdfunding is the most authentic and sustainable approach for me right now as an independent artist.

Since I was a child, I was always in awe of musicians. I remember my mom and aunt brought me to my first concert when I was about 7. It was Steve Perry (once the lead singer for the band Journey), and I will never forget what I experienced that night. The joy, the excitement, the pure and raw emotion brought forth from a shared love and admiration for this man's music was truly remarkable. Seeing the lighters sway from side to side as all voices sang together in unison, tears and laughter on the faces of so many; it was like nothing I had ever experienced. I remember feeling like a part of something so much bigger than just myself, and I felt a very clear spark was lit in my heart that night. 

Years and many life lessons later, I realize and understand more of the type of music and impact I would love to make in this world, and I also realize, at this point, I'm not out to be a big famous star like Steve. I have many purposes on my path, and one of them is to share my inspirational music. Many bigger artists are backed by record labels and/or investors who front them finances to produce their music and tours. Once the music is produced, often times those labels and investors take a cut to cover costs and make a profit, and the musicians get a portion of the profit as well. Often the labels also promote for the artists, and while a great deal of time, energy, sweat and tears goes into all of it, the upfront costs are often covered, and the artists mostly get to focus on their craft and on showing up for their music and their audience on tours, at festivals, and on shows and podcasts. 

As an independent artist, the upfront costs of production, promotion, distribution, etc. are all my own responsibility. While I know it's very true for me to share this music in a bigger way, I also don't feel it's my path right now to be a full-time musician. That means I am juggling my other work in the world along with making music, and no record label or investors to support with the costs. In the past, it has all come out of my own pocket and from the support of my family. While at times I would really love for music to be my main source of income and focus in the world, over the years I have realized it's also important for me to share the other healing gifts I have established throughout my journey, and so the financial return on my investments in music have not been realized yet (though energetically it's all been priceless!). All that said, this is why crowdfunding is the right choice for me this time around. I have had so many requests to get more music out there, and while I am honored by the enthusiasm and love shared, at this point in my career, I need more financial help in order to make that happen, as my other commitments in the world to afford my basic needs take most of my time and energy focus.

This is the reality of many independent artists. Our passion, purpose, time, energy and very real financial responsibilities are all being juggled, and sometimes our art/music takes a back seat. That's been the reality for me, and yet I'm always feeling the very strong pull of my creative expression calling me up and out into the world in a bigger way. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and if you have/do feel inspired to offer support, I hope this share offers a bit more understanding of just how important and impactful your support is for me and any independent artist you may choose to back!

With love and devotion,


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